Category: Politics

Taiwan vs. China – The rocky road to democracy | DW Documentary

For China, it’s a renegade province that must be brought into line. The Taiwanese, on the other hand, see themselves as a legitimate, independent, democratic state. For Taiwan, the stakes are high. After watching how Hong Kong was “brought into line” by China, Taiwan has been all the more determined to assert itself as a […]

US wins appeal over extradition of WikiLeaks founder Assange

The United States government has won an appeal at Britain’s High Court over the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Friday’s ruling, which overturns an earlier decision, means Assange is now closer to being extradited from a British prison to the US, where he would face spying charges over WikiLeaks’ publication of secret military documents […]

Bulgaria Election: How a Brand New Anti-Corruption Party Won – TLDR News

Last weekend Bulgaria held national elections, and a somewhat surprising result emerged in the following hours. A brand new, anti-corruption party had swept their way to victory beating out the establishment candidates. So in this video we’re going to explain what happened in the election and discuss if this means change and progress is in […]

Талибский спецназ / Почему простые афганцы поддерживают талибов / Как США сдали страну Талибану?

Привет, это BAZA. Я – Анатолий Сулейманов. Недавно на канале мы опубликовали несколько небольших зарисовок из нашей поездки в Афганистан. Показали интервью с одним из лидеров запрещённого в России Талибана, а также рассказали, какой стрит-фуд любят в Кабуле. Но все эти ролики были, так сказать, закуской перед основным блюдом – большим фильмом о том, как […]

Prepare for Armageddon: China’s warning to the world | 60 Minutes Australia

The message coming out of China is getting louder by the day. It doesn’t like other countries, especially Australia, ganging up and meddling in its affairs. As we know Beijing is currently doing its best to punish us economically, but in the last few days President Xi Jinping has also ratcheted up the rhetoric by […]

United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE tells the inside story of the U.S. government’s massive and controversial secret surveillance program that began in the wake of September 11 — and the lengths they went to trying to keep it hidden from the public. (Aired 2014) From the investigative team behind FRONTLINE’s award-winning “Money, Power & Wall Street,” comes the definitive […]

Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion

It’s easy to blame the other side. And for many Democrats, it’s obvious that Republicans are thwarting progress toward a more equal society. But what happens when Republicans aren’t standing in the way? In many states — including California, New York and Illinois — Democrats control all the levers of power. They run the government. […]