Extreme far-right terrorism is increasing. Julia Ebner believes in order to deal with this threat, you have to fully understand the extremist groups. From neo-Nazis to ISIS hackers, Julia Ebner goes undercover online to some of the darkest corners of the internet.
Among these extremist groups are the ‘incels’, or ‘involuntary celibates’, an online community of deeply misogynistic men who believe that women are to blame for their sexual frustration. Julia infiltrates these group’s online forums, gaining important insights and passing on information to the security services.
Don’t know what a Micro-Frontend, but you’ve heard the buzz and you want to learn it. Let me take you from just starting out, to understanding asynchronous loading, error handling, shared state, cross platform micro-frontends, how to route multiple applications together, and even how to test Micro-Frontend code.
FRONTLINE tells the inside story of the U.S. government’s massive and controversial secret surveillance program that began in the wake of September 11 — and the lengths they went to trying to keep it hidden from the public. (Aired 2014)
From the investigative team behind FRONTLINE’s award-winning “Money, Power & Wall Street,” comes the definitive history of domestic surveillance in a post-9/11 world. In part one of this two part series, FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk pieces together the secret political history of “The Program,” which began in the wake of Sept. 11 and continues today — even after the revelations of its existence by Edward Snowden.
In part two of this two part series, FRONTLINE explores the secret relationship between Silicon Valley and the National Security Agency, investigating how the U.S. government and tech companies worked together to gather and warehouse personal data. (Aired 2014)
How did big tech companies react when the government asked them to turn over data on millions of ordinary American citizens? And what do companies like Google, Facebook and Yahoo! really know about you? FRONTLINE Producer Martin Smith (“Money, Power and Wall Street” and “Obama’s War”) investigates the ways Silicon Valley has played a role in the NSA’s dragnet, and blurred the boundaries of privacy for us all.
When COVID-19 struck, the Federal Reserve stepped in to try to avert economic crisis. As the country’s central bank continues to pump billions of dollars into the financial system daily, who is benefiting and at what cost?
FRONTLINE investigates “The Power of the Fed” — and how the central bank’s actions have played out over the years on Wall Street versus Main Street — in a gripping new documentary.
From the award-winning investigative team behind “Amazon Empire” and “The Facebook Dilemma,” the film traces how an experiment the Fed began after the 2008 crash has been dramatically changing the American economy — exploring criticisms that, while well-intentioned, the Fed’s efforts have contributed to wealth inequality, helped today’s financial world grow far removed from the real-world economy, and prompted fears of growing inflation and an impending crash.
The documentary is supported by The WNET Group’s Chasing the Dream, a public media initiative that examines poverty, justice and economic opportunity in America.
The correspondent is James Jacoby. The writers and producers are Anya Bourg and James Jacoby. The co-producer is Megan Robertson. The senior producer is Frank Koughan. The executive producer is Raney Aronson-Rath.
It’s easy to blame the other side. And for many Democrats, it’s obvious that Republicans are thwarting progress toward a more equal society.
But what happens when Republicans aren’t standing in the way?
In many states — including California, New York and Illinois — Democrats control all the levers of power. They run the government. They write the laws. And as we explore in the video above, they often aren’t living up to their values.
In key respects, many blue states are actually doing worse than red states. It is in the blue states where affordable housing is often hardest to find, there are some of the most acute disparities in education funding and economic inequality is increasing most quickly.
Instead of asking, “What’s the matter with Kansas?” Democrats need to spend more time pondering, “What’s the matter with California?”
What is an NFT? A Non-Fungible Token, also known as a NFT, is a type of digital token or asset. A common analogy is to think of these as digital trading cards or digital paintings. When you buy an NFT, you are buying the rights to that specific asset. In this video you’ll learn exactly what a non-fungible token is, and why they are valuable.